The adventures of Will and Cindy. The duo find themselves plunged into a world they could have only dreamt of. Juggle a life of study, debauchery and a smidge of saving the world. The story will involve a series of side plots and characters exploring a variety of kinks.
- Version: 0.2
- Censorship: Uncensored
- Language: English
- Developer: HappySteveGames
- Release Date: 25/10/2024
- Platform: Windows, Android, Linux
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
- OS: Windows 7+/Android 5.0+
- Processor: Pentium 4
- Memory: 1 GB
- Graphics: VRAM 1 GB
- DirectX: 9.0c
- Storage: 333MB
Please spend time to read FAQs before downloading!
All steps must be complete with Locale Emulator (except some Non-Hen games with English language)!
- Download, extract/install and play!